
Birthday Celebration

Sr. Carol Wetli, SNDdeN celebrated her 80th birthday. Thank God for her beautiful life and her gifts to the Congregation. The Congregation is very proud of her. Happy Birthday our dear Octogenarian.

Sr. Carol Wetli filled with joy as the Province celebrates her

Filled with joy Sr. Carol thanked the Province



Every year the sisters of Notre Dame de Namur come together in different zones to celebrate her Foundation Day – 1804, February 2. The associates members join in this celebration. We go back memory lane, by recalling the stories of our foundresses, Mere Marie Julie Billiart and Franciose Blin de Bourdon. We challenge ourselves by their example of true friendship, dedication and total abandonment to the will of God. That was why Saint Marie Julie Billiart often said in her ejaculation, “Ah! Qu’il est bon le bon Dieu.” Ah! How good is the good God.

Sisters and Associates


Congregational Leadership Team visit

The Congregational Leadership Team of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur visited Nigeria for her canonical visit. The general superior, Sr. Teresita Weind and Pat O’Brien were in Kwara State to see the sisters there. It was a joyful and happy time for the sisters and their joys knew no bound. You can see from their faces.

E kabo sisters! Welcome Sisters! Bienvenu mes soeurs!

CLT members with some sisters

Srs. Teresita Weind and Patricia O’Brien

CLT, the sisters and Associates