The good God has constantly been good even at this point in time, when COVID-19 has limited us from having our life chapter and school system running smoothly, things are no longer the same. Though COVID-19 might be a heavy burden on the world, we should remember that, it is not the weight of a burden that breaks us but how we carry it. I will say that the best way to carry it is by listening to all government instructions, especially from the heads, the leaders, so that we all can be protected. Least I forget, the sisters (religious), should be protected also, because they have got strength of thousand armies and magnifies thousand smile. So, let us protect ourselves so that we can protect others. Read more
View the videos below for the celebration. Click on the photos for the videos
One thought on “Notre Dame Girls’ Academy, Amoyo celebrates Foundation Day and World Cancer Day”
I have always believed in NDGA, Amoyo. I pray for greater exploits.
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